Attention: Small Business Owners & Anyone Who Wants to Create Passive Income...
"How to Make AT LEAST $3,000.00+ inĀ Recurring Autopilot Income EVERY Month, byĀ FollowingĀ An Easy, Step-by-Step Process!"
NEW Membership Site Success System Creates
Automatic Recurring Income for You in, Any Topic You Choose,
Regardless of Your Background or Experience!
Ready to learn the inside secrets...?

Dear Friend,
You know how songwriters get paid a royalty every time their song is performed on the radio, TV, or live?
Imagine if you could get that type of recurring, ongoing income?!
It’s true, any gifted song-writer can easily generate enough money to buy a new car, boat, house, or even private jet! Well known artists from The Eagles, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and U2, are still making money every month today, decades after they wrote their big hits!
Take the song "Hotel California" from the Eagles as an example. Remember it?
"Livin’ it up at the Hotel California…"
That song was written in 1973 and yet almost 50 years later the money continues to pour in to writers Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Don Felder. It’s unstoppable! In fact, get this, they’ve made over $250 MILLION over the years!
It’s really exciting that the same concept of royalties or recurring income is possible online, using the power of a very special type of members only niche website, called a Membership Site.
The Power of Passive Income
Imagine if you attract just ONE new customer a day, paying you $30 a month.
After just 3 months, your recurring (aka residual) income will be:
Month 1 Income: $900.00
Month 2 Income: $1,800.00
Month 3 Income: $2,700.00
In just 12 months, you’ll be getting around $10,800.00 in cash – deposited directly into your bank account EVERY MONTH!
In 2 years it gets incredibly exciting because as the number of members continues to grow, that will give you around $21,600.00 a month, every month!
That's the power of residual income, a.k.a. recurring, or passive income - they're just different words to describe the effortless process of receiving ongoing payments for new product or service offers your "members" ask for.
H E L L O !
Let me introduce myself...
My name isĀ Andrew Lock, Iām the presenter of the popular long-running WebTV show,Ā "Help My Business!"Ā and author of 9Ā best-selling business books, including "Walt's Way" and "Big Lessons from Big Brands."
In 2004 I discovered theĀ big secret to passive incomeĀ online ā membership sites. Ā And since then IāveĀ perfected the ultimate system for building and making moneyĀ from this type of site, easily and quickly.
Iāve helped literally thousands of business ownersĀ and entrepreneurs to becomeĀ financially free,Ā and IĀ want YOU to be the next success story...

What's Your Current Situation?
If I had to hazard a guess about YOU, I think you’d agree with at least some of the following statements…
- You're tired of working long hours, only to be paid LESS than you're worth.
- You believe that you deserve a better quality of life, and you'd LOVE to spend more time with your family and take regular vacations without worrying about how to pay the bills while you're traveling.
- You want to have complete control of you and your family's financial future.
- You're trying to rebuild your retirement fund that's been decimated by the recent economic turmoil.
- You're fed up of slaving to build someone else's dream (your boss's maybe?)
- You've tried various ways to make money ... but none of them have worked.
- You just want to make more money so you can do more and give to your favorite causes.
The Ultimate Success Secret...
Sadly, most business owners struggle. by continuing to trade their time for money, trying all kinds of methods and schemes that they HOPE will work.
HOPE is NOT a Strategy!
Unfortunately, the old adage "the harder you work, the more you’ll earn" is a lie! I work less now than I’ve ever worked in my life, and I LOVE what I do more than anything else I’ve ever done!
Trading time for money is a dead end!
It's frustrating, because you can never get ahead.
So the ultimate success secret, that I wish I’d known years earlier, is that Membership Sites are the #1 way to make recurring income online.
You do the work ONCE in building the site, and then you’ll continue to reap the monetary rewards over and over again, month after month, it’s the easiest way to build wealth that I’ve ever come across!
Over the years, I’ve created 7 membership sites, sold two of them for big money, and kept the other 4. So many people asked me “how did you do it” that I’ve put together a comprehensive video training that guides you through the process, step-by-step.
The Membership Site Success System

Interestingly, when most people think about making money online, they imagine its hard work and difficult. And there’s always a 'must have' tool or course that promises to be a "one-click" wonder. You've probably been burned enough times to know that isn't true!
The truth is, there is some work involved up front, but it's a system, it's enjoyable, and you’ll feel great about what you're accomplishing.
I've often been asked the following about creating a membership site…
- Do I need to be a technical whiz-kid?
- Do I need to be an expert copywriter?
- Do I need to learn lots of traffic techniques?
- Do I need to know any 'gurus'?
- Do I need to understand ]search engines?
- Do I need to spend money on advertising?
The answer to all these questions is, NO!
Because if you take action and follow the steps laid out in the Membership Site Success System, your success is guaranteed.
Do some members drop out from time to time? Of course, but that’s why you have a system to continue to bring in at least one new member a day – that’s all you need to be very well taken care of financially!
It's not your fault if you’ve only just discovered residual income.
It escaped me for decades! But now that you know, everything changes for you! And even better, I’ve made a lot of mistakes so that you don’t have to!
I’m a pioneer of membership sites, I’ve tested many different membership concepts, and I’ve blazed a trail so that you don't have to.
We're now at a point where anyone (yes including you), regardless of your background or experience, can create a profitable membership website. Join me to do just that, and follow my step-by-step system.
If you know in your heart that you should be making more money, I'm delighted you're now discovering the first PROVEN and GUARANTEED system to create a membership site in a topic of your choice!
What exactly is a Membership Site?
I've used the term 'membership site' several times now, and those two words are the magical key to unlocking your fortune, so I want to be clear about what a membership site is.
Allow me to summarize it in plain English:
"A membership site is an online, private community of people, who pay a recurring fee to access (a) useful information on a specific topic, and (b) a community of like-minded people."
The primary goal of your membership site is to attract new members, and then keep them happy! Your members pay you a monthly fee of say $27, $37, $97 or even $997 per month (depending on your market).
Let's look at some examples...
YOU can do the same thing!

Obviously, these are some heavyweight industry-leading websites that are generating millions of dollars a month! Netflix alone is generating a whopping 312 MILLION each month, and rising!
It's unlikely that you'll create the next Netflix, of course. But 'behind the scenes' there are countless individuals who are making at least a thousand dollars a month or more (often a LOT MORE), with 'micro-niche', special-interest membership sites.
Don't take my word for it, here's some examples:
As you can see, there are all sorts of diverse, and some might say 'obscure' niche membership sites. Each one of their owners are making monthly residual (and rising) profits, with a website that's both fun and profitable!
How can YOU create residual income with a membership site?
Here's the deal...
I've created a unique 'quick start' system to help you...

"Membership Site
Success System"
It's 100% video based training, which you take at your own pace.
There are 12 modules, each with 3 or 4 sections, and you’ll learn everything from choosing a niche, through to advanced member retention strategies.
It's risk-free, and 100% guaranteed.
This could very well be a life changing opportunity for you. Let me repeat what we're offering, because it's vital for you to grasp this...

The results speak for themselves...

"Wow, this is it! This is the tool that enables me to reach out to thousands of people across the globe and share my experience, to improve their family life. This is a life-changing program! Also, Andrew is very accessible, you can ask him anything and get a quick, helpful response. Don't hesitate to invest in this program, go for it!"
- Amber Turner, Gibraltar

"Andrews membership program is awesome. I’ve learned a lot, which gave me the confidence to implement. The most important part is the super ongoing support. Whenever I need to know something, I get a quick and helpful answer. That helped me to stay on track, even when I had doubts or worries."
- Stefan Fugmann, Germany
What's Included In The System?
This is a comprehensive training program, with full one-on-one support from Andrew, and lifetime access!
You'll Be Able to Create a New Membership Site
in Any Niche, With Paying Members, 100% Guaranteed!

Here's why membership sites are the BEST way to get passive income:
As the proud owner of a new membership site, you'll discover many benefits, including:
- The ability to live anywhere in the world, all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection
Ridiculously low business costs
High profit margins
Dependable recurring income, that doesn’t stop!
No physical products to create, store, or ship
You’ll own an asset that increases in value – one you can sell in the future if you wish
Members Love Them Too!
Why are membership sites so appealing?
2 Words: Content and Community.
They receive content (information) in the form of articles, news, views, and high quality, helpful information.
The community aspect automatically comes from other members, via forums, discussions, and comments within your site. As you know, it's basic human nature to want to 'belong' to a group of like-minded people, and membership sites directly fulfill that need.
If you're into wildlife photography, with my system you can easily create a membership site for others who feel the same way, and charge them a monthly fee to access your content and community.
If you’re a dog kennel owner, you could create a membership site community of other dog kennel owners and share ideas and strategies for running a successful dog kennel.
If you suffer from a health condition like diabetes, you could provide help and support for others with a membership community around that topic.
Do you see the exciting, endless possibilities? And if you’re unsure about which niche to choose, relax because I'll personally help you to choose something that you'll really enjoy.
And in case you have any doubt about the fact that people are happy to pay to belong to membership sites, consider the following...
The Internet is the single most powerful business tool the world has ever seen ... AND when you invest in The Membership Site Success System, you'll be given the skills to making consistent, ongoing residual income using the Internet!
Think About These 4 Questions:
1. Are you happy with how much money you have in the bank right now?
2. Do you believe you're talents are being used to your full potential?
3. Have other "business opportunities" resulted in financial freedom for you?
4. Can you afford to go on 'testing' lots of different money making methods?
Let's get real. If you decline this invitation, what else will you do to change your current financial situation, get out of debt, and achieve the financial freedom you deserve?
The Membership Site Success System is Perfect For You If You Can Say Yes to At Least 3 Of the Following Statements...
- You have an open mind and a positive attitude
- You are extremely busy and need a FAST way to learn and grow residual income
- You are highly motivated to create your own membership site business to create your financial freedom
- You understand the power of recurring revenue, and you're ready and willing to trigger it in your own life
- You are ready for your business to support a much better lifestyle for you and your family
- You are inundated or even overwhelmed with information and you need a 'paint by numbers' system to follow
- You are a successful person who is always seeking improvement, and you're ready to create your own financial future

Your Purchase is Guaranteed!
In life and in business there are no guarantees, but the Membership Site Success System is different in every way. I'm determined to help you succeed!
I believe in a strong guarantee, to remove all risk for you:
Invest in the Membership Site Success System, follow along with my step-by-step instructions, take action to implement what you learn, and I promise that:
1. The training will be presented without 'geek-speak,' in plain English that you can understand.
2. You'll be shown everything you need to create a membership site on a topic of your choice.
3. Using my one-on-one support whenever you need it, you will have all your questions answered.
If you do your part as outlined above, I guarantee to do mine. If you follow the training carefully and implement each step, and I fail to help you as described here, let me know and I will happily refund you in full for failing you, within 60 days of your purchase!
Yes, ALL the risk is on me!
It's Decision Making Time!
Countless people will be reading this web page around the same time as you.
I impose a cap of 30 students at a time, because of the generous one-on-one support I provide.
If you delay, you may not be able to get in, and you’ll be placed on a waiting list for when spots open up in the future.
Look, you could easily waste years of your precious time, and tens of thousands of dollars chasing other opportunities that are unproven and not guaranteed. Why continue to bash your head against a brick wall day-after-day to try and find your own path to success, when there's a faster and cheaper option right here, that’s guaranteed?
Plug yourself into my system. It's TESTED. It's PROVEN, and IT WORKS!
It will take you from financial frustration to financial freedom.
Go ahead and REGISTER NOW using the button below. I’m excited to witness your financial breakthrough!
I look forward to helping you succeed,
Andrew Lock
P.S. - The Membership Site Success System isn't just about making money, it's about creating long-term financial freedom for you, your family and your loved ones.
P.P.S. Frankly, since I’m the one taking the risk with my guarantee, there should now be nothing holding you back from saying "YES" to registering for the course, because your fee is FULLY protected.
Take back control of your life. Have confidence in yourself, and send a strong signal to all those people who doubted you over the years! Now is your time! Here’s to your success with membership sites!